Secret document leaked from the ministry of interior in Egypt

Source: iReport CNN, user HAYTHAMRPH, 31.1.2011

Scanned document:

Arabic transcription (can be google translated etc.):

**translation of the first page**

A secret urgent document from the Ministry of Interior.

Minister Office

Jan. 26, 2011

Subject: Plan to block the riots and civil protest

Strategies – Allow the protests to go through the streets of the cities and villages in the Country. Don’t block their way using extreme caution in firing live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, except by the order of the Supervisors according to the duties assigned.

Employ a number of thugs and pay them generously. Meet with them in their home and where the people congregate. These meetings are to be held in private by authorized personnel without any official presentation to explain the plan and to decide the time of action and the plan of spreading chaos as mentioned on this document.

Monitor all individual from organizations and parties and coordinate with publishing houses, news organizations and all systems of communications to obtain a complete record of messages and calls both incoming, outgoing and report all full contents to us.

All methods of communications as in mobiles and internet will be cut off beginning at 6:00pm on Friday, except for landlines. Therefore all assigned officers and individual must use manual wireless communications and make sure it’s at hand at all times.

Plan to locate police officers and investigators in civilian clothing as instructed. Limit the paths of protest on Jan. 28 to public and main roads and intercept protests if it reaches restricted areas as indicated to the map attached.

Make sure all safety personnel in civilian clothing are armed with small manual sized wooden and metal sticks to be used to arrest main protest leaders without violence.

Shoot rubber bullets and tear gas, without using live ammunition. Emphasize those instructions to all except for extreme necessities.

**translation of the second page**

Exhibit a partial paralysis of Police force as of 4:00 pm on Friday. To make the riots look as if it’s succeeding and the police officers are retreating. Allow the hired thugs to blend in with protester and induce limited chaos during the protests according to plan agreed upon.

Complete withdraw of the Police force, central security forces, traffic controller, guards and all ranks of police officers , officials assigned to protect government sites, corporations, and institutions. Dress in civilian clothes and be present on sidewalks, trees, and blend in with protesters and between parked cars and do not interfere when negative incidents. Without disclosing their identities. Don’t interfere into the situations on the street unless told to do so.

All police stations should be evacuated and emptied. Remove all weapons and ammunitions, and prisoners should be transported to the Central Prison under maximum security. Prisoners should be replaced with undercover officials, criminal investigators and undercover detectives.

Spread rumors to all the media channels that there is looting and stealing. This is to be done by female individuals by contacting all media channels crying and exhibiting extreme panic according to plan.

Send direct message using word of mouth or indirect message by handing out flyers to the international media (only) that are close to the protests informing them that there are looting, stealing, break-ins into banks, shops, and police stations, which will simultaneously occur with our plan of the thugs initiating the chaos as, instructed.

Give direct or indirect hints via the media both national and international to start forming vigilante groups within neighborhoods in order to divert people from protesting to return to their neighborhood without using the Army force.

Feed the international media false rumors, which will be corrected by the national media in order to earn the trust of the public and to turn them away from those channels. Defame their reputations in all communications via broadcast of national channels.

Spread false rumors via national and international media channels that there is complete chaos, prison escapes, and make up a huge number of escapees of hardcore criminals seen by witness in local neighborhoods.

To order or demand the public through media channel to form vigilante groups to stay up day and night protecting their neighborhoods. These demands will be made by females of the security forces as agreed upon on our previous meeting.

Monitor the status of the situations on the ground by the Civilian Security Forces and provide us with the estimated number of protesters and their neighborhoods. Send groups of thugs to their neighborhoods in order for protesters to evacuate the protest site.

To start intensive communications, calls and personal presence with every media channel to exhibit noticeable improvement after the forming of the vigilante groups to protect neighborhoods, residential communities and commercial centers.

To begin a gradual fusing with the leadership by showing banners in an appropriate time according to instructions.



Pracuji jako ajťák a grafik na volné noze, zejména ale pro brněnskou firmu vyrábějící ekodrogerii. Dále působím v brněnském systému místní směny Rozleťse, Českém zahrádkářském svazu, České psychedelické společnosti, spolku Archetypal a Mezinárodní komunitě dzogčhenu. Chcete mě podpořit? BTC: 37mf2FJR26Ce3DxMkocukJDgB1eVjasnZB, příp. PGP podepsané adresy dalších kryptoměn.

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